After early rain almost ended the golf early, the weather cleared and The Butchers took on Royal Russell Vale in the 2014 Butchers Golf Day.
Winning team on the day was Thirroul Medical who finished on -6. Highlight of the doc’s game was a hole in one by Doctor French! A few teams scores blew out with the mystery disappearance of balls off the 4th hole. Other winners were Mitch Wynn longest drive and Dougy Millington loudest player.
A great feed and presentation from The Ryans hotel after finished off a great day.
The feed at the Ryan’s Hotel The Golfers back at the Ryan’s Hotel
Thanks to all who were involved, Aidan Beath and Joel Ruskin for carrying the drinks and of course the day isnt possible without sponsorship, thanks to all sponsors who made it such an enjoyable day
Joel Ruskin